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Speed Roulette (Evolution Gaming)

Last updated: 05.04.2024 by Andrew Shepard
Release year 2017
Variation single zero
RTP 97.30%
Multipliers -
Table limits Depends on casino

Best casino with Speed Roulette

Casino Days
Table limits ₹50 - 1 000 000

Speed Roulette is one of the best-known games designed and developed by Evolution Gaming. It was launched in 2017 and it is based on one of the main archetypes – European roulette. Overall, Speed Roulette is deemed an absolute success – catering to specific player preferences and combining this with excellent visuals, fast-paced gameplay, and very rewarding payouts.

The user interface and design of Speed Roulette are made in such a way as to inspire players to come back and stick with the game. The camera angles allow you to follow the action up close, owing to the HD streaming feeds and the professional, elegant, and minimalistic studio that Evolution Gaming has developed for its games, including Speed Roulette, to make the experience even more rewarding.

A round of Speed Roulette plays in just 25 seconds, which means that you will see many rounds in a single hour of play – and usually more so than in any other version of roulette. Now, this is a game that Indian players definitely appreciate, so why not dive further into the features and variety that a game of Speed Roulette does bring to the table!

What Are Speed Roulette’s Features?

As you can imagine, a game of Speed Roulette is quite important and interesting, and there are some distinct features that make it specifically so.

  • As its name suggests, Speed Roulette is a game where the pace of play is very fast. In fact, you can easily clock in as many as 50 additional spins on a normal roulette if you were to play Speed Roulette. This gives you a lot of total spins. An average round of roulette is about 25 seconds, which is nice and quick. The high-speed feature gives an entirely fresh dynamic to the title and makes it a specific product that appeals to its targeted players, among whom are Indian players.
  • Another great feature here is the fact that you can already make a bet for your next round while the present round is being resolved. This adds additional speed to the core gameplay and makes it absolutely awesome for you to enjoy as well, as you can always be a few steps ahead when planning your gameplay.
  • We truly appreciate a game of Speed Roulette as it provides you with some fantastic RTP, as the theoretical average payout here is 97.30% - one of the best in roulette gaming as a whole.
  • You get to choose from several extra features that make the game so much more fun to play. Speed Roulette will come with an Autoplay option, which essentially means that you can carry on even if you need to step away from your device for a moment. Then, you have the Save Your Favorite Bets options, which is essentially a way for you to bet again the numbers that you want to bring up for another round.
  • There is also a racetrack feature that makes it so easy to bet on a specific section of the roulette wheel – an added benefit that will definitely feel and play nicely to you!
Bet Payout
Straight up 35:1
Split 17:1
Street 11:1
Corner 8:1
Six Line 5:1
Column 2:1
Dozen 2:1
Even/Odd 1:1
Red/Black 1:1
High/Low 1:1

Minimum and Maximum Betting Limits

Each game of Speed Roulette will be slightly different. Casinos are free to determine what the betting limits of their tables will be, with the betting limits in general very acceptable and approachable for players of all backgrounds and bankrolls.

Pros and Cons

  • You get to enjoy one of the live roulette experiences on the planet, which will make it a lot of fun for you to explore the basic game of roulette and add a bit of extra excitement to it.
  • Even though Speed Roulette plays very quickly, it’s modeled entirely after European Roulette, which means that you will step into a game that is very easy to grasp from the very start.
  • Thanks to the Racetrack, Stats, Save Your Favorite Bets, and Autoplay features, you will enjoy one of the smoothest and most comfortable gameplay experiences across the board.
  • Speed Roulette stands out by virtue of how much effort has gone into designing the title and making it a very worthwhile game for you to explore.
  • There is a croupier who will assist you and make it easier for you to follow the action and feel like you are in a real casino.
  • If you are new to a game of roulette, the fast pace of play in Speed Roulette may be a bit too much for you to handle at first
  • Betting limits may not be the same across two different casinos, as the game tends to be highly customizable, so remember to check in with your casino.

Our Tips

There are many ways to try and win a little more by playing Speed Roulette – or any version of the game, for that matter. Let’s take a look at some of the tips that will work for you.

  • Keep Your Favorite Bets On

    Faster gameplay is the reason why it’s important not to get lost in the game; that is why Favorite Bets will definitely help you keep track of the action and enjoy yourself around the clock. So you can save up to 15 of your bet combinations and use them with one click

  • Choose a Table with Great Limits

    Limits are so important for a game of Speed Roulette. Because you will be betting a lot, you want to make absolutely certain that you will be able to never hit a limit because you run out of room. Sure, big betting limits don’t guarantee that, but they definitely give you more wiggle room.

  • Fast gameplay with no frills

    Harness the thrill of fast gameplay with Speed Roulette, tailored for those who relish a fast-paced experience. Perfect for players who prefer a straightforward playing style without intricate betting strategies, Speed Roulette delivers an exhilarating, high-speed casino adventure.


What’s the RTP in Speed Roulette?

The RTP in a game of Speed Roulette is, in fact, based on the RTP in a game of European Roulette. This makes for a very balanced and easy-to-follow gameplay that feels rewarding and simple enough to follow across the board.

How is Speed Roulette different than other versions of the game?

Speed Roulette, as its name already suggests, is a game where you will experience a very fast pace of play. This is one of the main experiences here, as you can complete a single round in just 25 seconds! This is very fast and it feels very rewarding, too!

How many spins can you play per hour?

You can play up to 50 spins per hour, thank Speed Roulette. This is one of the fastest gameplay experiences in the world of roulette.

How to bet quickly despite the fast gameplay in Speed Roulette?

You will be able to keep abreast with the pace of play in Speed Roulette by following some very simple tips and tricks built directly into the game. The first one is to use the Favorite Bets feature or Betting Patterns, which will allow you to re-bet the same wagers in each round.

The game also allows you to plan your next bet while a present round is being resolved, making it very easy for you to manage and cope with the pace of the core gameplay.

Can you trust Speed Roulette?

Yes, Speed Roulette is one of the safest games on the market. It’s developed by Evolution Gaming and as such, it ensures that the outcomes of each spin of the table will be completely unbiased and fair to the players.