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Understanding Roulette Payouts

Last updated: 05.04.2024 by Chris Mwangi

Are you keen to learn how payouts in roulette work? Well, you are not alone and in the following lines, you will understand what payouts are, how to calculate them and get a great tool that will save you time and effort by offering a worry-free way of always anticipating your potential wins. Here are a couple of examples of payouts:

  • A straight bet in roulette has a 35:1 payout. This means if you bet INR1, you will get back INR35. If you bet more than 1 unit, you can expect to multiply by the greater number
  • Bets such as even/odds have a 1:1 payout. This means that you get one unit back for each unit you bet. It’s that simple, really.

Here’s how these payouts are calculated. We have explained the formula briefly for you to see and understand.

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Let’s Calculate Our Roulette Payouts

The formula used to do this is X:1 – X stands for the payout by the type of wager. The 1 stand for the amount that the player is willing to wager. So, if a player is going to wager on a 17:1 wager, what this means is they will end up betting any given amount, for example, INR10 and end up winning INR170. Why is that? Simple!

  • 17:1 is basically 17 times the stake you made. In this case INR10. 10x17 yields INR170. You also get your original stake. Nothing easier than this.
  • Then you have 1:1. In this case, you can only win one unit for each unit you bet. It’s not great, but it’s not bad either. So, if you wagered INR75, you would get INR75 back for a total of INR150.

To recap how this works you simply need to remind yourself that the payout is the figure associated with the bet type (the left one). The stake you make is the right one. You multiply these and voila, you have your answer ready and waiting for you.

Bet Payout ratio
Straight up 35:1
Split 17:1
Street 11:1
Corner 8:1
Basket 6:1
Six Line 5:1
Column 2:1
Dozen 2:1
Even/Odd 1:1
Red/Black 1:1
High/Low 1:1

Payout = Stake amount * Payout ratio + Stake amount

roulette bets

The total payout made to a player in a single round is equal to the sum of the payouts of all his bets in that round. For example, if the player places two bets that pay 35:1 - 2:1 and wins, the payout sum of both bets will be considered the total payout value in that round.

Payouts = Payout1 + Payout2 + .. + Payoutn

Payout1-payoutn are winnings of separate bets

  • Your bet is 100 on red and 5 on corner (4,5,7,8)
  • Your winning number is 5, so both of your bets won
  • Your payout = 100*1+100 + 5*8+5 = 245
example roulette bets

Use This Calculator for Ease

If you are happy with the math but want to get a much quicker and smoother way to always calculate the potential win and payout, we recommend using our calculator solution. It’s built based on the same formula and makes it very easy to see what payouts you can expect yourself.


What are the payouts for 0 and 00?

The payouts are as any other straight bet – 35:1. This is the universal formula for straight bets in most of the versions of the game you ever want to play.

How do you figure out the payout in roulette?

This is easy. Just multiply the left number by the units you have wagered. If a wager has a 5:1 payout, then what you do is multiply 5 by the wager you have. If it’s INR10, then it’s 5x10 for a total of INR50 potential payout.

Are payouts in American and European roulette close?

Yes. European and American roulette have fairly the same payouts. For example, both games’ straight bets end up paying 35:1 no matter what. The only difference we can speak of here is that the American version has a special bet called a basket. It pays 6:1.

What are the highest payout bets I can place?

These are the straight, split, street, corner and line. Watch out for these though, even though they have a payout of 35:1, 17:1, 11:1, 8:1 and 5:1 respectively, they are still more risky bets than say odds/even or red/black.

Is there a limit on how much payout you can get?

Yes. All casinos have limits on the payout as they have a maximum bet size. The game isn’t designed with a limit in mind, but commercial properties do put the limit anyway.

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