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Random Number Generator

How to use

In our ongoing endeavor to come to the aid of roulette fans with tools that make their life easier, we added to them the calculators for Payouts or Odds. And here is another novelty we are pleased to reveal to you — Roulette Random Number Generator (RNG). This software is tailored to break the complexities of the Random Number Generator used by many roulette games, which is a key part of the game. It aims to provide players with a deeper understanding of the game, enabling them to formulate winning strategies. It works this way:

  1. Number of Spins: Decide on the number of simulations you want to run.
  2. Roulette Type Selection: Choose between European or American roulette.
  3. Generate: Click the generate button to start the simulation.

The outcomes are presented in a detailed table that lists:

  1. Round: The order number of each spin.
  2. Number: The winning number of each spin.
  3. Color Group: Shows if the winning number is red, black, or green.
  4. Even/Odd Group: Indicates if the winning number is even or odd.
  5. High/Low Group: Demonstrates whether the winning number is in the low (1-18) or high (19-36) range.
  6. Tier Group: Organizes winning numbers according to their relation to Tier, Voisins, Orphelines, and Zero bets.

Additionally, these data points are further analyzed, showing percentage ratios for a more in-depth examination.

Importance of the Roulette RNG Tool

Our tool for the RNG borrows from the idea of simulating winning numbers with probabilities that would mimic the mechanics of real roulette games. It serves two following objectives:

  1. For New Players: Helps players learn in detail about RNG functions in game conditions to further refine strategic approaches.
  2. For strategists: Those who want to verify the performance of their betting systems are strongly advised to make 1000 spins so that the strategy can be considered. Our tool comes in handy here, as it supports this effectively and hence validates the strategies through practical play.